Why Your Company Needs Online Timesheets

Paper-based time monitoring methods produce excessive work and additional cost to your company procedures. Modern technology and the internet has paved the way for efficient and straightforward timesheet software solutions that help streamline the process and remove hassles.

Time to change to internet timesheets?

Cloud-technology is quickly changing the way businesses are run and managed. It is making previously expensive technology accessible and affordable to anyone using a mobile device or computer. Cloud-based time and attendance software are more accessible and mainstream than ever before, and all businesses now have the opportunity to take it on board.

Your enterprise, regardless of what size, may have a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use team monitoring and time-recording system. It is going to save you hours of admin, enhance staff participation and help you get the most out of your spend on salary.

Five issues with paper-based time monitoring and scheduling:

Paper-based systems can find the work done, but they are far from perfect. They slow you down, pose mistakes and divert people from their principal occupation. Staff you hire are there to be productive and perform their duties. For example a luxury accomodation provider in Tasmania will want to focus on delivering great service and being a top hotel not wasting time on administration tasks. Becoming the best hotel in Hobart Tasmania will take staff to focus on service and streamlining finances through timesheet software and associated technology. Rostering will also be much more efficient with software where intelligent technology can do the rostering for you based on availabilities, no need for manual entering and shuffling.

Paper programs are rigid and hard to upgrade.

A work program is appropriate at the moment you place it, but things change quickly as your business grows and changes. Paper systems are hard to update for example information must be manually entered and disseminated whereas an online application can automatically and messages and alerts.

Plus, paper programs can occasionally confuse employees. From the jumble of titles, times and dates, it is not unheard of for workers to combine up the years of the change, or confuse their starting times with somebody else. Paper timesheets leave your company vulnerable to time thieving and compromising of data. You need software solutions that can easily grow with your business, cloud based systems can easily integrate new employees and upgrade pay, instead of having to fully re-format and print paper systems when a new employee commences.

Paper-based time monitoring systems tend toward guesswork and the generous rounding up of hours which can be costly.

Overestimating a couple of minutes here or there may appear benign. However time adds up. Using an electronic system ensures that information is accurate and using methods such as fingerprint timeclocks for small business can provide the highest level of accuracy and eliminate false recoding.

Your workers despise the paperwork.

Time recording may become a task in itself. Staff members who have had an enormous day do not enjoy the additional administrative burden of filling out forms. And if they handle it like an undesirable chore, the information can get cluttered. Having electronic platforms eliminate papers and the need for employees to devote extra time to paperwork.

Small mistakes can have significant consequences.

Paper-based time monitoring relies on workers writing their hours down, which you — or your payroll supervisor — should enter in a database. However, this system could be reversed by something as innocent as misreading a worker’s handwriting. A three might seem like a five in some instances. And there are typing and manual entering mistakes that occasionally happen when information has been transcribed. In case a dispute arises, it can be tough to discover where things went wrong. Having an automated system minimises errors in manual entering and ensures accuracy.

Manually processing timesheets slow down your organization.

Staff often require a nudge to finish and hand in their timesheets. Then the amounts must be punched into the system and approved. That dual managing chews through a great deal of time. It is either a distraction for you. Also, it costs you a lot of exorbitant salaries. Manual scheduling can be complicated, time-consuming and difficult. For businesses with more than ten staff members, it can get frustrating and difficult to chase up employees and keep everyone updated. The great thing about cloud based software is that is often comes with staff friendly mobile apps where employees and managers can easily view rosters, submit leave requests and enter timesheet all from their own mobile device. This significantly increases productivity and cuts down manual work.